Wednesday, April 13, 2011

you're probably wondering

Why I didn't have Tuesday's Treasure yesterday... well, it got cancelled (due to laughing at a sibling ,with another sibling, because the sibling couldn't get the math problem right.... i know D: i'm sorry z)

Yesterday was really great though (besides the math thingy)!  I got my hair trimmed and highlighted.  *sigh of relief*  I love having that fresh feeling, don't you?  It got up to sixty-five degrees, and we (the boys and I) played on the trampoline for a half hour.  Then I played Kinect for almost forty-five minutes (yes!).  You could say I had a really great day over all :D  But today I'm hurting super badly :(

So with that..... well I don't really know :I ....... I guess I'll see you tomorrow my lovely friends who just happen to be reading this. *giggle*



ashley said...

Ah! I love trampoline days =) I haven't really had time to enjoy myself, but Summer days'll bring me some down time (hopefully). My mom and I did a lil' experiment with my hair awhile ago, and I got some very tiny highlights out of it =p . Au revoir, bonne journée!

Marli said...

Yes, I LOVE the feeling of a great haircut! ;P
