Tuesday, April 5, 2011

top ten tuesday

top ten reasons why one should learn how to speak french...

un (one).  in case you encounter someone who comes from from France, you can make them feel a bit more comfortable by speaking french.

deux (two).  if you are the one and only person in your family who speaks french, you can mumble to yourself without anyone knowing what you were saying... and if a sibling of yours speaks french as well you can talk to each other, still without people knowing what you happen to be talking about. *giggle*

trois (three).  college scholarships! 

quatre (four).  you could read or write a book/blog in french.

cinq (five).  you could visit France and know what everyone was saying.

six (six).  watch french movies and tv shows.

sept (seven).  teach french people how to speak English (in french obviously)

huit (eight).  be a missionary in France!

neuf (nine).  help translate conversations

dix (ten).  you can write all of the numbers for "top ten tuesday" in french:)



Chelsea said...

lol! You can also speak to the French chick-a-dee who came from Japan! XD When I was really little I wanted to learn French because I loved Madaline.

Allie said...

Bonjour, je m'appelle chick-a-dee! Je viens du Japon (hello, i call myself chick-a-dee! I come from japan.). Lol! That was so funny:D
I loved Madaline growing up! I used to have a collection of her books.... *sniff sniff* I miss Madaline (je m'ennuie de Madaline!) *hahahaha*

Anonymous said...

Great Top Ten, honey! I honestly had no idea how to spell most of those French numbers, even though I could probably say a few {thank you, Sesame Street!}

Allie said...

*hahaha* I didn't know how to spell a lot of them until I looked them up. love ya,