Friday, September 2, 2011

that's good to see!

My family and I were in Costco having dinner, and before I could sink my teeth into the ooy-chewy goodness of their fabulous pizza, Mom said we should pray.  Though we were all starving, we agreed with her and bowed our heads.  After Mom prayed and we all looked up, a bald guy with a tattoo on his arm and a big smile said to us, "That's good to see!"  Not in a sarcastic way, but in a, 'Good for you Brothers and Sisters!  We don't see people pray over fast food anymore!' (not that i'm bragging about us praying for fast food, but it was basically what he had said)

Moments like those you don't really have anything else tp say but smile big and say 'thank you'.  After he walked over to his table I suddenly got a funny line that I thought I could have said, but I decided not too;]  If I told you the line (made by moi) it might come out weird...  The line was "I'll be seeing you..."  What I meant was in Heaven!!!  That if he was a Christian I would be seeing him in Heaven.  When I told my brothers, it took them a while to figure it out. 

Do you guys have moments like these?  Not with the line thing, but seeing other Christians throughout a grocery store, or at a park, or something?  It feels good, seeing other Christians.  Cause we will be seeing them!!!  Bye for now, people.  I'll be seeing you........ ;]



Katie said...

It's always encouraging to see people praying for their meals. It reminds us that there's more out there than we think!

Unknown said...

That is really neat. My fam LOVES Costco. My Dad thinks everything is better there...and most of the time he is right. I've had a few experiences like that, but not many!