Tuesday, September 20, 2011

all is well here/ blogger book review!

Hello all;)  I needed to say that to you guys instead of just ignore you all for a few weeks *heheheh*  School is going well, I'm getting adjusted to my schedule but the homework is still driving me mad.  So a lot (only a few really) have asked me what it's like now to have contacts.  At first they were a pain to get in, they used to take a half an hour to get them in.  But now it's a matter of minutes to get them in.  And they sometimes get globby so I have to take 'em out and put some solution in them.  Getting them out is the coolest thing ever!!! I know it sound gross but it looks like I'm peeling a layer of my eye off (tmi, i know!)  But the fact that I'm able to pinch my eye with out feeling anything is the coolest thing eva!!!  Anyway;]

So you might be wondering, what's this review thing about?  As most of you know I started a book blogging thing where people send me books (that i personally chose from their selection) and I have to review them!  I know, right?  So this one book that I've been meaning to post a review on for who knows how long, that's the book I'll be reviewing today!  The book is called "The Dragons of Chiril" by Donita K. Paul.

What did you think of it:  I love, love, loved the authors words!  She has a great voice to her story, but sometimes she rambles on on some things that really don't need to be rambled about (you: so what have you been doing for the last year, allie??)  One thing I'd have you guys note is that it's hard to get into the book.

Who would you recommend it to:  I'd recommend it kids in Junior or Senior high.  But most importantly, people who have time on their hands to read it.  I love the book but a lot of the times I didn't have time to read it cause it was really detailed stuff that I would have to know later on.

How many stars would you rate this: *** stars

Thank you guys so much for stopping by!  I read and love all of your comments;]  Keep spreading the word about my goal (below followers gadget)!  To those of you who have, thank you so much (you are quite a blessing to me!)  Until a few days (or something)


I was not payed at all to review "Dragons of Chiril".  I am part of the Blogging for Books Co.  that lets me review books in my own opinion.  Thank you!

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