Wednesday, March 30, 2011

so about yesterday...

As you all might have known, I had a Tangled party yesterday!  Yep!  I invited a bunch of girls from youth group but only one could come (i was so glad that Alyson could come though!), not including my BFF Rachael, she came too:D  So since it was conference week I didn't have to go to co-op and spend over an hour on algebra.... thank the Lord!  But that didn't stop Mom from homeschooling us.  We did Bible time for a half hour (i should do that everyday actually), math (i had to look up problems in my algebra book, blah!), spelling, elective (i got to do french, yay me...or should i say, yay moi), ya-da-ya-da-ya-da.

I couldn't think about anything but, "Tangled comes out today!  Tangled comes out today!  Tangled come out today!  Aaaaauuuugggh!"  Yeah, I'm not exaggerating!  I was so... so... EXCITED!  So finally I heard the words I'd been waiting for that escaped Mom's lips, "Socks and shoes on guys.  We're going to Target." I shut my algebra book faster than you could say Tangled!  "Yes!  I am out 'a here school, I'm going to Target to get me a movie!  That's right!  You can't touch me!  Oh...*snap*!"  Okay I was exaggerating there... you got me.

So on the way to Target we listened to the Tangled CD.  I couldn't stop shaking in the passenger seat!  I just couldn't!  So when we went into Target we had to get the things on our list first, then get Tangled last.  So while I waited for Mom to get pencils (we're homeschoolers... we go through pencils fast!), I went to the hair isle and scoped out for some awesome hair accessories.  I got (with my own money, of course) a pack of colorful scrunchies, a pack of colorful combs, and a pack of bobby pins.  I would have gotten some more hair things, but I wanted to spend my money mostly on Tangled:D

"Eeeep!  Mom I see it!  Aaaauuggh!"  I told her when we went through the movie isle.  I grabbed the Tangled pack, This package includes blu ray, blu ray 3D,  dvd, digital copy and a Little Golden Book!
"Mom!  My movie comes with a kids book!  That is so cool!"  The Tangled book was so cool to me, I was honestly thinking about framing it!  But I chose not to.... :O

I couldn't wait to open the movie, so when I got home and was about to open it, Mom said we should clean up the house before my two friends come over, "Good idea!"  I said and got right to work on the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later, the house looked wonderful and my patience (waiting to open up the movie of course) was starting to bubble over the top of my head.  I took lots of pictures before I opened it and lots of pictures after I opened it.  My patience level was trickling down to my toes, "Haaaaaaaaaa,"  I gave a huge sigh of relief. 


wow!  look how thick that is!

blu ray, blu ray 3D, dvd, and digital copy!

Disney's Tangled Little Golden Book!

(L) 3D cover, (M) movies, (R) book!

Finally my friends came over!  We had a blast!  It was so much fun!  We watched Tangled and had so many great laughs and giggles...... *amazing sigh of relief*

Here's one of my favorite movie trailers for Tangled!  Gotta love it!

Hope you enjoy this movie as much as I have, friends!  Until next time....



KD Photography said...

i just rented the dvd! i'm gonna watch it tonight fort he first time! :)

Chelsea said...

lol! I was like that when The Incredibles came out. My desktop had them on it with the words "26 days" (or something like that) and I would change the desktop on my computer every day to say the number of days 'til it came out. All the way down to "one more day!" When I was waiting for it to come kinda sad actually. I love the little book your Tangled came with! It's so cute! I love those little golden books! They remind me of when I was little. In the trailer you've got there it shows Flynn getting thrown out the window while he's tied to the chair... does that ever happen in the movie? I don't remember it.

Allie said...

Enjoy the movie Kim! Hope you like it!
I don't think they had that part in the movie, Chelsea... the Disney Animators must have had extra time on their hands, I guess :D

Katie Burry said...

Haha! I loved that movie! I haven't seen it since it was in theaters, though. :( We always wait until the Friday after a movie comes out to watch it. I can't wait though!

Glad your party was fun! :D

~ Katie