Wednesday, August 31, 2011

i'm back

I am finally back from vacation;)  Yay!  I'm tired and.... well, that's just it, I guess.  Tired.  Nothing else, just plain old tired.  So I'm going to take a break from blogging until I regain my blogging strength (oh yeah!).  Plus I just got The Art of Tangled and the second to last book in the Left Behind the kids series... both from the library (squee!!!!)!!!  So I will be pretty occupied with both of those.  Plus my home school co-op starts on Wednesday (nooooo).  Plus plus it's my first year of high school.  Plus plus plus (okay i need to stop after this *haha*) I have three classes at my co-op and one class at our local high school (of course i'll have other classes at home) =O  How will I ever survive?!?!  For those of you who aren't homeschoolers, it's kinda hard to go back to 'school school' after being home schooled for so long.  But then again, it is my first year of high school, so other kids my age have to go through the exact same thing:]  Oh, well;]  Prayers would be helpful.  Your comments have been the sweetest and most comforting (they always have)!!!


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