Friday, November 4, 2011

help me!

I just realized.... it's November!!!!!  Christmas is in a month in half!!!! I need your guy's help!  Can you spread the word about my goal, please!  Tell people to come to my blog and.... follow me?  Maybe?  I really want to make it to 100 hundred followers by Christmas (or more;] )  So if you have a lot of followers or friends, please tell them for me;]  You don't know how much you guys have inspired me this past year of blogging;]  Please spread the word for me!


Aunt Sal/Mom/G Sally said...

Allie, I LOVE your blog and will try to get the word out as much as I can!!!

memory said...

hey allie hunn! :)
i've got a few suggestions for getting some followers. and please do not think that i'm saying i'm an expert at this, i am NOT!! i'm still learning this blog thing! :) but here's just some things i've learned... i still have so much to learn though!
1. host a giveaway(s). spread the word by announcing your giveaway in lots of comments on other peoples blog's. when you have the giveaway, make it mandatory that they follow you to be able to enter the giveaway.
2. make your blog easy for everyone to read. (fonts, etc.)
3. blog about your life and include pictures... for some reason people REALLY like pictures! lol:)
4. write, write, write. stories and articles and stuff like that:)
5. have fun! ;)
that's some things i learned... thought i'd share! :) hope you get lots and lots of new followers!!