Wednesday, July 20, 2011

happy birthday mom!

Today is one of my best friends birthday.  We talk about everything with each other.  She's given me amazing style tips and even taught me how to do my own laundry (haha).  She drives me to youth group every Wednesday night with out complaints.  She.... is my mom!

My mom is one of my few best friends, and she is always there for me!  Though she makes strict rules, it's what a smart parent should do, instead of letting her teen go with the flow like other teens.  Her motivator (i believe) is God!   She is always strong and faithful in the Lord.  And she makes me want to be exactly like her:)

Though, I've never had a sister, she, in some way, is like one to me.  Only better!  We share clothes all the time.  She always helps me with painting my finger nails cause I can never do them right.  We bake with each other.  Just about everything!

Mom is always willing to give insights and tips to me for the near future.  Like when we're driving, and someone makes a turn with out putting their turn signal on, which leaves Mom to slam on the brakes, she'll say, "Now when you're driving, make sure you put on your turning signal when you turn.  And when someone is doing something that you think they're going to stay doing but they don't, just be aware of those drivers around you."  Something like that:)  She also explains things I might not understand, like politics, other religions, boys, etc.  And I appreciate all of these explainations =D

Today is my Mom's birthday!  And this is what I want you to know (mom)!  This whole post is all that you remind me of:) {and more of course!}  I love you, Mom!  Happy Birthday:D




Hannah @HannahHandmade said...

Aww, very cute :)

Try this email: or

Anonymous said...

You've got me crying! Thanks so much, daughter, friend, amazing one! Your words are so very kind... I'm glad you can see what I strive to be despite what I usually am :P I am grateful to be your mom; parenting might not be easy, but you & your brothers make it enjoyable.
Love you SO much!

PS~ Thanks for not quoting me entirely on my traffic "instructions".

♫book blogger said...

Cool blog!

♥Book blogger