Wednesday, July 6, 2011

california.... even the name feels warm!

To be honest right now, I want to be in California.  Sure it's gotten hotter up here.  This is actually the third day in a row that it's gotten up to and/or over eighty degrees:)  So yes, that is good great!

But right now, I want to be in California!  Maybe it's to see the palm trees, to hear the California ocean, to smell the citrus fruits along side the side walks..... or maybe I just down right want to be with DISNEY!  Disney is the new.....the new...... well, I can't think of anything now (let me tell you, it's not the new tangled because disney did that movie and that's what got me started with falling in love with disney.... partly why)!  But Disney is totally AWESOME!!!!

I love to day dream about going to college in California, on week nights and weekends I can work in the DisneyLand parks, buy my own little groceries, 'n' stuff;)

Though, there are some things I'm not as thrilled about.  I would be living two states away from my family, unless they decide to live in Cali!  I'll have to live in a different life style, such as,

*  going through LA (which, i've been to a part of that area, and came away in total shock and mumbling to myself, 'i want disney, i want disney, i want disney...')

*  driving rules will be different (state wise)

*  living on minimum wage 

*  living with out my family ;(

If I do decide to live in Cali.  I'll have to adjust to these things I listed and MORE!  Part of me (my dream part of me) is like, "I want to live in the Cinderella castle in DisneyLand, and I would get payed tons of money for being a sweater folder/stocking isles with fluffy animals/saying 'have a magical day' to visitors, and there would be a wardrobe in 'my' castle that would be like the one from Narnia, so then I could go anywhere I wanted at any time so I could see my family!".................. Enough said =I 

If I do decide to live in Cali., I know that absolutely 100% of my 'day dream' will...... NOT come true (except for the working in disneyland).  I would be living in the reality dream =I  So as far as dreams go, I still want to be a Disney Animator, and before that, I want to go to college in Cali., work week nights and weekends in DisneyLand..... and smell the citrus fruits:)

Thanks for stopping by and reading about my dreams, friends!  I'll chat with you later:D  If you need me, I'll be peeling lemons and smelling then like no one elses business!  Au revoir!


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