Sunday, February 6, 2011

me plus a 965 page book equals a lot of reading

So who has seen the new Harry Potter movie?  Well, while I was at the winter youth retreat weekend four out of five of the family got to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One.  The oldest of my younger brothers, Nick, had read the last Harry Potter book and was all like, "This is going to be the darkest movie yet!"... honestly, I don't like to watch dark movies that I haven't seen, in a dark movie theater.  Why?  Don't laugh, but I get really freaked out!  I'm a real wuss when it comes to watching scary movies.  I could handle the first six Harry Potter movies, but I was going to wait it out on the seventh movie for a while.

After coming home and hearing how good the movie was from my brothers, I couldn't take it any longer!  I decided to read the seventh Harry Potter book!  Yes.  That way I will know what to expect when I watch the movie!  Oh how clever am I : D

Nick has all of the Harry Potter books in the series, so I didn't need to wait for the book from the library forever, which was nice.  And after I had finally convinced Nick to let me borrow the book, he gave in. ("Fine, here")  Thanks Nick!

I looked to see how many pages there were in the book... 965 pages!  How on earth, did J.K. Rowling ever finish a book with 965 pages, so quickly?  I am so impressed!  Each chapter has a minimum of twenty to thirty-five pages.  There are thirty-seven chapters total, if you count the epilogue.  I'm on chapter six and I'm already on page 119!  I consider my reading speed from in between slow and medium... maybe medium.  So, me plus a 965 page book equals a lot of reading!  I'll let you know when I finish the book : D



Chelsea said...

Wow! I don't know if I could finish a book with that many pages!!! I think I have sorta a slow reading speed.

I was never allowed to read Harry Potter... It's hard to imagine a series with 7 books that are hundreds of pages long! 0.o

Allie said...

I know, right? I like the little 0.o and n_~
So cute!