Thursday, February 17, 2011

the curse of the migraine monster

I'm not sure if it was just a headache or a migraine, but either way my head hurt so bad last night.  I never really get headaches, but when I do they usually go away pretty quickly.  Last night was different though. 

If you have ever seen the Harry Potter movies or read the books, you know where Harry has that kind of connection with Voldemort because of the scar on his forehead, and when ever he has that connection with him his head is pounding and his scar feels like it's burning....I feel his pain....literally (okay not with the connection with Voldemort but with the achenes)!

My Dad actually gets migraines really bad every few months.  They usually hurt so bad to the point where he gets sick.  I'm a lot like my Dad in many ways, and this is just a wild guess but I'm pretty sure I'll be getting migraines like his....great.

Of course last night was one of those nights where we had to go to bed around nine, nine thirty.  I usually like to read before I go to bed (idky) but with this migraine (or headache, either way did not feel great) I couldn't even open my eyes with out it killing my brain (it might seem like an exaggeration...but it is so not!).  So lying in my bedroom, in the dark , waiting for the Advil to kick in was the most boring (and painful) thing to go through...ever!  Not to mention that going to sleep was the hardest thing....ever.

I think I might be getting a little bit of a headache just looking at the computer Mom want us to come down and learn more about WW II...great more ways to put pressure on the brain...haha n_~



Chelsea said...

Ugh! Migraines are no fun. I had one once at a friend's birthday and her mom had me sit on a couch in the other room with a bowl on my lab. (In case I thru up!) It felt like my head was being squeezed!! So I know how it feels!! I've also been partially blind during mirgraines! :O Appearently caffine can help, maybe you could try sipping on some coke or tea or something. I'll pray for you!

btw, I like your blog layout! I like the "reactions" thing. how did you add that?

Allie said...

Thanks for praying for me! If you want to add the little reaction things, go to design on the upper tab, then click on edit blog posts. A window should pop up, and that should show a check box for the reactions...I made my own *giggle*. This is also how I got the "# uninterrupted comments"! Really fun!