Sunday, October 24, 2010

define prayer

What does prayer mean? Well to me, prayer means I am having a conversation with my Lord, God. That's also what it says in the dictionary. But what do you think prayer means? Do you sit in a dark room with candles flickering away, and say, "Dearest God, Howeth do thee do?". Well you could be saying "Hey what's up God? How you hangin'?" on a subway and He wouldn't care. "But Allie, shouldn't we talk in these ancient ways to let God know we love him?" No! God doesn't care! God just wants to talk with you. So anyway you pray is just fine.

When you pray, what do you pray about? Do you pray that you will pass your math test on Monday morning? Do you pray that your crush will dump your worst nemesis for you? Do you pray that you'll get everything you want for Christmas? Well, that's totally fine if you pray for that! Of course! You can pray for anything you want! But... just because you pray for something doesn't mean you're going to get everything you pray for. Sure that sounds awful at first, but think about it. What would happen if everyone got everything that they prayed for? Sure you would get everything you prayed for, but so would everybody else. If you prayed for a million dollars and POOF it was there, other people would be praying for the same thing. That doesn't sound to bad, right? Wrong! Every villain out there would be praying for more drugs, guns, and maybe even to be God. Now God didn't make this rule because he was selfish and he wanted to be the only God ever. He made this rule because he didn't want people to take advantage of prayer. Prayer wouldn't really be called prayer anymore. It would be wishing. The whole point of prayer is so that you can talk to God. You see what I mean?

How often do you pray? Honestly think about that question, and give an honest answer. A couple of years ago I like, rarely prayed. Really honest to goodness, I just didn't. I never really gave it much thought. One day at church, our girls children pastor, Sarah, was talking about praying. She said, "Imagine not talking to your parents...ever. You came down for breakfast, didn't even give them a sideways glance, and you left for school. You come home from school, and you don't say anything, you just walk up stairs, do your homework, eat dinner, and go to bed with out saying one word to your parents the whole day." Imagine God being your parents in this story. God just sits around watching you and you don't even say hello. God loves it when you talk to him! Who doesn't like to be talked to? How often do you talk to your parents... pretty much all the time, right? God is your Heavenly Father. How often do you talk to your dad? I talk to my dad a lot! Imagine never talking to your dad. That would be really sad. Well, God is really sad when you aren't talking to him. Try talking to God more, but also keep talking to your dad (and mom) as well =^D

I hope you talk to God soon!

Dear Lord,
I pray that this message will be found by the people who really need this message. I pray that the message I share will really help people in need of your teaching. I love you God!
In your name I pray,


Aunt Sal/Mom/G Sally said...

Thanks, Allie...that was a great blog on prayer and a wonderful reminder of WHY we pray...and to remember to pray always!!! Love you, Grammy

Sheri said...

Great blogging! Proud of you, you have something to say and using your writing (via blogging) to get it out there!

This post reminds me of Steven Curtis Chapman's song 'Let us Pray' - love the lyrics...'let us pray, let us pray, every-where and (or in?) every-way, every moment of the day, it is the right time!" (my kids were belting that out in Walmart once, tee hee!)

Sheri said...

Love the color scheme of your blog too, totally makes me think of your infectious laugh and vibrant personality!

Allie said...
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Rachael said...

Wow, Alex, you are AMAZING!!! Love your blog, love the colors, love YOU!!!

Allie said...
