Monday, October 25, 2010

colder than ever

Here in the Northwest... it's funny. Last summer was the hottest summer I have ever experienced in my life. Two or three years ago we had like over four feet of snow in the winter. They say this year should be worse! Like snow and everything. Some days I can believe it and others I just can't. Other days it's like 65 degrees out side... and that's a good day out here in the Northwest! Some days are like today; you wake up, it's raining, 49 degrees just barely 50, and find it harder to do things that you normally do... like writing on you web journal, and realizing that you can't feel your fingers. Today I am completely bundled up... I have my favorite jeans on, my WDW sweater on, and my frog slippers, that are almost dead (I've actually worn them out to the point of them being dead!omigosh!).  Now my fingers are white and sneaking a little warmth from my sweater pockets every few seconds.
Mom's calling me down for baked potatoes... one of my favorites! So I'll chat with you later!

1 comment:

Aunt Sal/Mom/G Sally said...

Oh, Allie! I FEEL the described it so well ;) - And I love how your fingers sneaked into your pockets to warm up! That's just great! Thinking WARMLY of you, Grammy