Friday, January 13, 2012

bold is all i can say

Watch.  I was in utter bewilderment when I saw this clip.  I am amazed.  Really.  Amazed.  Words can say so much in these four minutes;)  Plus the dude is kind of a hottie d;

Where do you stand?  Are you for religion, for Jesus or are you for neither?  I'm listening:)


ashley said...

Yep, I 100% agree. I was just talking to someone about this today. I hesitate to even call myself "Christian" anymore. The term used to mean "little Christ" because they tried to be like Jesus in every way. But it has somehow come to mean a self-righteous, non-loving person who speaks out of both sides of their mouth and shoves rules down everyone's throat while not living the "rules" for themselves.

Whoever put this video together was genius =)

Sarah said...

Ive seen this video posted ALL over Facebook! My sister keeps telling me to watch it... Still need to! Heheh:}
Totally and completly stand for Jesus!