Monday, February 20, 2012

safe and sound

Yes, I have heard this song :)  When I first listened to it, I thought Taylor Swift sounded super whiny.  But I guess I got so used to it that it didn't bother me as much ;] 

I find that when I'm dreaming now, it's of me at my favorite beach house taking a nap in my little room.  That place make me feel so relaxed, and the best part is, is that I'll be going there in about a month or so (i forget *haha*).  I know that little town like the back of my hand, and the familiar sounds of seagulls and waves crashing on top of each other are endlessly beautiful.  We walk everywhere, there.  And when the day is done we watch the starts reflect on the ocean by our campfire, with the aroma of gram crackers in the air.  The days there feel endless, but in a good way. 

Don't get me wrong, I love Disneyland!!!  I am obsessed with that place XD  But this place is second on my favorite places in the U.S. so far. 

There, I feel like I can just get away from it all.  It makes me feel safe and sound *sniff*


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